Health News For Oxford and Norfolk

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Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Middlesex-London Health Unit
West Nile Virus Detected in Three Local Mosquito Traps

The Middlesex-London Health Unit is reminding local residents to take steps to prevent mosquito bites, after three mosquito traps located in Middlesex County and the City of London tested positive for West Nile Virus. The traps are the first to be found with West Nile Virus-positive mosquitoes in 2024.

“There has been a lot of rain fall this summer, which means more mosquitoes in certain areas. It is important to exercise caution and ensure the safety of both you and your loved ones against mosquito bites.” says Jeremy Hogeveen, Safe Water, Tobacco Enforcement & Vector Borne Disease Coordinator with the Middlesex-London Health Unit. “Wear an insect repellant that contains DEET, cover exposed skin with light-coloured clothing, and try to avoid the outdoors at dawn and dusk, when mosquitoes are most active.”

Since the beginning of May, the Health Unit’s Vector-Borne Disease Team has conducted weekly mosquito monitoring at 23 Adult Mosquito trapping sites over a 17-week sampling study which will continue through September. 511 treatments at 185 surface water locations on public property in London and Middlesex County will be conducted. The Vector-Borne Disease Team is currently on the second round of catch basin treatment where approximately 38,000 catch basins are treated per round. The Health Unit will continue its surveillance and control efforts throughout the region and is reminding people in all areas of London and Middlesex County that West Nile Virus is still present in our community.

The majority of people (80%) who become infected with West Nile Virus do not get sick. Those who do become ill, usually experience mild flu-like symptoms; fewer than 1% of people infected with the virus get seriously ill. Follow the tips below to protect yourself and your family from West Nile Virus:

  • Wear light-coloured clothing with long-sleeves, pants and socks in areas where mosquitoes are present, especially at dusk and dawn when they are most active.
  • Follow directions for use, when using an insect repellent with DEET, especially for children.
  • Regularly emptying standing water from garbage cans, wheelbarrows, toys, flowerpots and saucers, pool covers, tires, and other items around your home and yard.
  • Cleaning and changing water in bird baths every other day.
  • Ensure proper closing and opening of swimming pools.
  • Covering openings in rain barrels.

To learn more about how to protect yourself and the Health Unit’s surveillance and control efforts, visit

Media Contact:

Morgan Lobzun
Communications Coordinator
Middlesex-London Health Unit
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Southwestern Public Health (Oxford - Elgin - St Thomas)

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