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Organization: McCormick Care Group
Phone Numbers: 519-439-9336
Fax: 519-432-4960
2022 Kains Rd
London, ON
N6K 0A8
Intersection: Kains Rd and Commissioners Rd W
Location: London (West)
Accessibility:     Wheelchair Accessible
Hours: Administration: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm
Executives: Becky Clark - Director
519-439-9336 ext 2343 *
Elizabeth Hardy - Day Program Manager
519-439-9336 ext 2344 *
Contacts: Catherine Robson - Social Worker
519-439-9336 ext 2553 *
Tara Machacek - Social Worker
519-439-9336 ext 2337 *
Service Description: Supports for people with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, and their caregivers
Adult Day Programs - Adult day program * social, recreational, and therapeutic activities for people living with dementia in a group setting for part of the day * helps to support family caregivers who provide day-to-day care
Caregiver Support Services - Support for caregivers, including family and friends * available to everyone regardless of whether or not their family member utilizes the day program * services include advocacy, counseling, phone and Zoom consultations, and information and referral
Overnight Respite - Overnight relief for caregivers of adults with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias * overnight stay available for one, three, four, or seven nights
Fees: Varies per program
Daily fee for day program and overnight respite program
Support services are free
Application: Day Program: Contact Ontario Health atHome
Weekend Respite Program: Reservation required
Eligibility - Population(s) Served: Able to accommodate people with a wide range of needs and in all stages of illness * people can most often be accommodated on short notice * assessment with clients prior to admission to determine psycho-social needs and create individual care plans
Languages: English
Area(s) Served: London and Middlesex
See Also: Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias

This information was last completely updated on 9/13/2024

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Covid19 Vaccine for Ontario

Covid19 Vaccine for Ontario 

Contact your primary care provider or Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000 if you're experiencing symptoms of the 2019 novel coronavirus.

COVID-19 Vaccine Information 
Vaccines are now being made available to various population groups based specific eligibility. See your local health unit website for details:
Grey Bruce Health Unit
Huron Perth Public Health
Middlesex London Health Unit (MLHU)
Southwestern Public Health (Oxford - Elgin - St Thomas)

Local Health Care Service Changes

Ministry of Health's online self-assessment tool is available

COVID-19 Assessment Centres
Anyone who needs a test can get one and does not need an OHIP card. Tests are made available by appointment only at assessment centres and at pharmacies
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Do not call 911 unless it is an emergency.