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Organization: MedicAlert Foundation Canada  
Phone Numbers: 416-696-0267
Toll-Free: 1-800-668-1507
Emergency hotline: 1-800-407-7717
Fax: 1-800-392-8422
Morneau Shepell Centre, Building 2
895 Don Mills Rd, Suite 405
Toronto, ON
M3C 1W3
Intersection: Don Mills Rd and Eglinton Ave E
Location: North York
Accessibility:     Wheelchair Accessible
Accessibility Notes: Wheelchair parking
Hours: Administration: Mon-Fri 9am-6pm
Emergency Hotline: Daily 24 hours
Executives: Leslie Quinton - Board Chair
Charlene McQuaid - Vice Chair
Service Description: Services include electronic health records, a secure database, a 24-hour Emergency Hotline and customized medical IDs for people with medical conditions and special needs

MedicAlertTM Safely HomeTM - Nation-wide program in partnership with Alzheimer Society of Canada that helps to identify and return a person with dementia safely home

No Child Without - Charitable program that offers all elementary school-aged children (4-14 years), with free MedicAlert protection

MedicAlert Connect Protect - Collaboration between MedicAlert and police forces to ensure police officers have direct 24/7 access to important information about people who have a tendency to wander

Membership Assistance Program - Provides financial assistance to families in need of assistance for the MedicAlert programs and services
Fees: Set fee
Application: No referral required * call, mail or online application
Eligibility - Population(s) Served: Adults, children and infants with medical conditions or special needs that should be known in an emergency
Languages: English ; French
Language Note: French reception, programs, publications, and website * French interpretation available upon request
Area(s) Served: Canada
See Also: Medical Information Alerts

This information was last completely updated on 12/12/2024

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Covid19 Vaccine for Ontario

Covid19 Vaccine for Ontario 

Contact your primary care provider or Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000 if you're experiencing symptoms of the 2019 novel coronavirus.

COVID-19 Vaccine Information 
Vaccines are now being made available to various population groups based specific eligibility. See your local health unit website for details:
Grey Bruce Health Unit
Huron Perth Public Health
Middlesex London Health Unit (MLHU)
Southwestern Public Health (Oxford - Elgin - St Thomas)

Local Health Care Service Changes

Ministry of Health's online self-assessment tool is available

COVID-19 Assessment Centres
Anyone who needs a test can get one and does not need an OHIP card. Tests are made available by appointment only at assessment centres and at pharmacies
Find an assessment centre near you

Do not call 911 unless it is an emergency.