Georgian College - Owen Sound Campus
1450 8th St E Owen Sound, ON N4K 5R4
8th St E west of 16th Ave E
Switchboard: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm Office of the Registrar: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4pm
Service Description:
Community college offers full and part-time postsecondary, continuing education, corporate training, apprenticeship and upgrading programs * member of Ontario Learn consortium of Ontario Colleges offering online studies * Center for Marine Training and Research, CMTR
Literacy and Basic Skills - Literacy, numeracy and essential skills services that help people achieve goals related to further education or training, employment or increased independence * support in clarifying upgrading goals and developing a training plan to achieve them
Academic Upgrading Services - Helps people develop the necessary skills for entry into college-based postsecondary education and training programs
Varies based on program or service
Eligibility - Population(s) Served:
Varies by program