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Organization: Seniors Learning in Retirement London (SLR)  
Phone Numbers: 519-438-3525
Grosvenor Lodge
1017 Western Rd
London, ON
N6G 1G5
Intersection: Western Rd and Platt's Lane
Location: London (Northwest)
Accessibility:     Wheelchair Accessible
Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-4pm
Dates: Sep-June
Executives: Brian Henderson - President
Michael Johnson - Board Chair
Contacts: Michelle Moore - Office Coordinator
Sandy Kechnie - Registrar
Service Description: Courses for seniors based on the shared learning concept * members participate in small informal groups led by peers, include study, discussion, activity and interest groups * topics may include art, history, science, music, books, photography, current events, travel
Meeting: Weekdays from September to June
Fees: Membership fee: $25 per year
Activities and social events
Application: Apply through website, course preview events or mail-in form * call for more information
Eligibility - Population(s) Served: Adults 55 years and older in or nearing retirement
Languages: English
Area(s) Served: London, Middlesex, Elgin
See Also: Continuing Education
Fitness, Recreation, and Social Programs for Seniors

This information was last completely updated on 2/20/2024

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About Us
The SLR London is a member-run organization that offers social opportunities to meet retired or semi-retired seniors who like to keep learning, All seniors are welcome and encouraged regardless of their formal education.