Community Employment Services
Phone Numbers:
519-452-4430 ext 6501
431 Richmond St, 2nd Fl, Suite 200 London, ON N6A 6E2
Richmond St and Carling St * entrance off Carling St
London (Central)
Wheelchair Accessible
Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm
Service Description:
Comprehensive employment and job search services * assessment of skills, interests and experience * job search strategies, including resume preparation * information about careers and occupations, local labour market, employment and training opportunities * on-the-job training, work experience * help in maintaining employment * information and referral to other employment and community services
Second Career Program - Skills training and financial support for laid-off workers
Services for employers - Help in identifying human resource skills requirements * matching of workplace needs to workers' skills, capabilities, interests and experience * support for developing on-the-job training plans and monitoring of placements to support retention
Canada-Ontario Job Grant - Financial support for individual employers to purchase training for their employees * available to small, medium and large businesses planning to deliver short-term training for existing or new employees
Call or drop in * for general information on Employment Ontario services call the toll-free Employment Ontario contact centre at 1-800-387-5656 (TTY 1-866-533-6339) or visit www.ontario.ca/employmentontario
Eligibility - Population(s) Served:
Self-service information and resources - Anyone, including people with jobs, those who are under-employed, people looking for work, students, apprentices, internationally trained individuals, employers
Assisted services (such as supported job search, job matching and placement, job retention services) - People who are unemployed and out of school
Area(s) Served:
London and area
This information was last completely updated on 10/27/2023 |
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