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Program: Parent and Caregiver Group Programs  
Organization: Wellkin Child and Youth Mental Wellness (Oxford County)
Phone Numbers: 519-539-0463
Toll-Free: 1-877-539-0463
Crisis: 1-877-539-0463
After Hours: 1-877-539-0463
Fax: 519-539-7058
912 Dundas St
Woodstock, ON
N4S 1H1
Intersection: Clarke St S and Dundas St
Location: Central Oxford
Accessibility:     Wheelchair Accessible
Hours: Hours vary.
Executives: Kelly Baker - Executive Director
Chantal Dubois - Clinical Director
Service Description: LEGO Social Skills Group - Program for children between the ages of 7 and 11 * allows kids to work collaboratively in small groups with tasks defined and roles identified to support social interaction * communication, support, problem-solving, and conflict resolution are explored

Dialectic Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Skills Group - Currently being offered virtually * for youth between the ages of 14 and 17, as well as for their parent/caregiver or support person* this group is designed to assist teens in learning about their feelings, thoughts and behaviours through a mindful approach to increase positive coping skills * youth must commit to attending each 4 week segment of the program

Circle of Security Parenting Group - Currently being offered virtually * a user-friendly education program for parents/caregivers of children between the ages of 0 and 6 that helps them better understand the needs of their children * this program is based on years of attachment research about how secure parent/caregiver-child relationships can be supported and strengthened * sessions stress the importance of parents/caregivers forming secure attachments with their child(ren) by: focusing on the caregiver and child interactions; being responsive to their child’s needs; and reflecting on their parent/caregiver strengths and challenges * series aims to help parents and caregivers share the best of themselves with their young children * in group-based sessions, parents/caregivers learn how to better understand and respond to their child’s emotional needs; help their child manage their feelings and behaviours; and help build a stronger relationship with their child

Roadmap for Parenting Group -
Currently being offered virtually * education program for parents/caregivers of children between the ages 7 and 17 * participants will explore some of the key components of Attachment Theory, to gain knowledge that will assist them in developing a roadmap to understanding what is underneath some of their child’s behaviours; understanding why our child’s behaviours may be occurring; and exploring how to support themselves as parents/caregivers, and their child(ren) in difficult moments
Fees: Free
Application: Sign up through Walk In on Tuesdays from 10am-6pm
Eligibility - Population(s) Served: Newborn to youth 18 years and their parents/caregivers
Languages: English
Language Note: Interpretation available upon request
Area(s) Served: Oxford and Elgin
See Also: Anger Management
Children and Youth with Disabilities
Learning Disabilities
Parenting Education

This information was last completely updated on 5/8/2024

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COVID-19 Vaccine Information 
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Southwestern Public Health (Oxford - Elgin - St Thomas)

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