Accelerating Knowledge to Action on Client-Driven Care
KTA Implementation Strategy
The knowledge translation (KT) approach consisted of interaction amongst providers, managers, senior level decision- and policy-makers and researchers. All worked together on a level playing field, guided by the steps of a participatory action cycle. This approach took into account observations and experiences of participants regarding the nature of their work context, the nature of the research evidence, which relates to the art rather than the factual content of health care practice, and ways in which the participants’ efforts might best be facilitated. Each action cycle included: critical reflection on the research evidence, its implications for practice, and opportunities for change; use of the research evidence and personal knowledge of practice and work context issues in creating, implementing and evaluating strategies for change; and effort to get change made across the organization. Each group had copies of publications, audiovisual materials and case studies and researchers available to answer any questions. Each group also had a binder containing their roles and responsibilities (“terms of reference”) and those for an overarching “leadership implementation committee” that provided a communication and coordination network to tie their efforts together, as well as draft agendas to guide their meetings through the action cycle, facilitation guides containing questions to prompt reflection, and group process evaluation forms.
Action groups set their own meeting times and adapted action meeting agendas to incorporate their KT efforts into their everyday work. As they did so, they found the prescribed terms of reference and agendas less relevant. While meetings were facilitated by researchers in the first cycle, in the second cycle participants of the groups’ chose their own facilitators, all internal to the organization, helped level-playing-field participation.
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