Program: Participation Lodge Grey and Bruce
Phone Numbers: 519-794-3201
Toll-Free: 1-888-353-5542
Fax: 519-794-4186
RR 1
Holland Centre, ON
N0H 1R0
684136 30 Sideroad
Holland Centre
Intersection: Grey Rd 24 east of Hwy 10
Location: Central Grey
Wheelchair Accessible
Hours: Daily 24 hours
Administration: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Executives: Diccon Garrett - Executive Director
Contacts: Deb Dempster - Director of ABI and Complex Care
Service Description: Services for people with physical and developmental disabilities and people living with the effects of a brain injury * services focus on the personal needs of residents and clients
  • outreach program
  • supportive housing
  • respite care
  • acquired brain injury (ABI) program
  • community services

Acquired Brain Injury Program - Residential program for adults living with the effects of an acquired brain injury

Family Activity and Fitness Centre - Fitness centre and therapeutic pool open to the community

Outreach Program - In-home supports for adults for the activities of daily living * personal care and homemaking services to adults with physical disabilities living in their own home

Residential Care - 20-bed residential care facility offering 24-hour care for adults with physical and developmental disabilities * private and semi-private rooms

Respite Program - Overnight relief for caregivers of adults with physical and developmental disabilities * substitute accommodations in which attendants help with the activities of daily living

Snoezelen Room - "Snooze-A-Len" room promotes relaxation in people suffering from sensory and learning disabilities

Fees: Set fee
Application: Call * application form required
Eligibility - Population(s) Served: People with physical disabilities, people with developmental disabilities or people with an acquired brain injury
Languages: English
Area(s) Served: Grey and Bruce County
See Also: Community Support Services
Housing and Residential Services for People with Developmental Disabilities
Last Updated: 6/6/2023
Service Record URL:

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