Service Description:
Specialized and emergency trauma care to the most seriously injured children in the region * trauma education, research, injury prevention and public awareness
Dr Doug Fraser, Paediatric Intensivist, 519-685-8052 Dr Neil Merritt, Paediatric General Surgery, 519-685-8401 Dr Tim Carey, Paediatric Orthopaedics, 519-685-8021 Dr Deb Bartley, Paediatric Orthopaedics, 519-685-8021 Dr Andreanna Butte, Paediatric General Surgery, 519-685-8401 Kristine Hooghiem, Nurse Practiioner (ABI), 519-685-8500 ext 55486 Jill Stockwell, Social Worker, 519-685-8500 ext 53069