Program: Anderson Foot Care
Phone Numbers: 519-615-2150
29993 W Bothwell Rd
Bothwell, ON
N0P 1C0
Intersection: Longwoods Rd and W Bothwell Rd
Location: Bothwell
Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-6pm
Executives: Bev Anderson - Owner/operator
Service Description: Safe and effective basic and advanced foot care provided to individuals in the comfort of their home * services include: assessment, nail trimming and filing, calluses and corns, dry cracked heels off-loading, and health teaching at each visit*All tools are autoclaved and spore tested for sterility

Fees: Set Fee * Veterans and private insurance coverage welcome
Application: Call * no referral required
Eligibility - Population(s) Served: People who require in-home foot care services, especially older adults, people living with diabetes and/or disabilities.
Languages: English
Area(s) Served: West Elgin, Bothwell, Glencoe, Strathroy, London, and Chatham-Kent
See Also: Foot Care - In-Home
Last Updated: 6/14/2024
Service Record URL:

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