Program: Life Long Care Program
Organization: M'Wikwedong Indigenous Friendship Centre
Phone Numbers: 519-371-1147 ext 27
Fax: 519-371-6181
1045 3rd Ave W
Owen Sound, ON
N4K 5W6
Intersection: 11th Ave W and 3rd Ave W
Location: Owen Sound
Partially Accessible
Accessibility Notes: Stair lift
Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-4pm
Executives: Jennifer Linklater - Executive Director
Contacts: Margaret Yawney - Life Long Care Coordinator
519-371-1147 ext 229
Ronat John - Life Long Care Coordinator
519-371-1147 ext 230
Service Description: Assists urban Aboriginal clients to live independently and provides services for the frail elderly, and clients who are chronically ill or live with physical disabilities

Services are  provided with an emphasis on traditional Aboriginal concepts and cultural beliefs and include:
  • transportation to medical appointments and social programs
  • friendly visiting at the client's home, long term care homes, and at social and cultural events
  • telephone security checks
  • congregate dining
  • support services such as information and referral, advocacy, medical escorts, translation services, assistance with filling out forms and applications

Fees: Free
Application: Varies by program, call for details
Eligibility - Population(s) Served: Urban Aboriginal clients of any age who are disabled, chronically ill, frail elderly or require acute/chronic care
Languages: English ; Cree ; Iroquois ; Ojibwa
Language Note: Anishinaabe: English ; Ojibway - Programs ; If Ojibway is required, the Centre will do their best to accommodate
Area(s) Served: Owen Sound and area
See Also: Congregate Dining
Friendly Visiting
Telephone Reassurance and Security Checks
Transportation - Non-Accessible and Volunteer
Last Updated: 4/23/2024
Service Record URL:

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