Woodstock Supportive Housing
Phone Numbers:
519-673-3242 ext 270
Use Bell Relay Service to call crisis line to connect with TTY
519-850-7330 * ATTN: Addictions Supportive Housing
London (Central)
Accessibility Notes:
Community based program
Administration: Mon, Fri 8:30am-4:30pm * Tue-Thu 8:30am-8pm
Service Description:
Living alternatives to hospitalization in a home-like setting with staff support
- individual and/or family units
addictions supportive individual units
justice units
Homelessness Initiative Program - rent subsidies and housing support to individuals who are homeless or who are at risk of homelessness * subsidized housing available throughout Oxford County * goal is to provide safe, affordable, permanent housing options * level of housing support is flexible, based on tenants’ individual needs and provided by Housing Case Managers or in conjunction with other existing service providers * CMHA Housing Staff team work closely with partners at Oxford County Human Services, Indwell and private landlords throughout Oxford County
Subsidized monthly rent
Call for screening and assessment Must be referred by an agency * no longer accepting self referrals
Eligibility - Population(s) Served:
Youth 16 years and older and adults with a serious mental illness
Language Note:
Interpretation available upon request; French website coming soon
Area(s) Served:
Elgin, Middlesex, London, and Oxford
This information was last completely updated on 10/11/2023 |
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