Phone Numbers:
Services for Seniors: 519-485-2269 Ingersoll 50+ Activity Centre: 519-485-3869
250 Ingersoll St S Ingersoll, ON N5C 3J7
Ingersoll St S and Thomas St
Accessibility Notes:
For those who come to Centre * unknown for community visits
Tue 8:30am-4pm * Fri 8:30am-12noon
Service Description:
Basic foot care provided by qualified staff at the Ingersoll Seniors' Centre * foot care includes care of corns, calluses, fungal nails, and filing and trimming of nails, Foot Care Clinic $25, Tuesday & Friday, call for appointment
In-home service also available
Call * no referral required
Eligibility - Population(s) Served:
Older adults and adults with disabilities
English ; French
Language Note:
French interpretation available upon request