Citi Plaza 355 Wellington St, Suite 110 London, ON N6A 3N7
Clinic: Mon-Thu 9am-4pm * evening appointments available on Tue Pill Purchase: Mon-Wed 9am-7pm * Thu 8:30am-4:30pm * Fri 8:30am-4pm
Service Description:
Services available to women under 50 years old:- Birth Control Counselling
- Low cost birth control
- Low cost emergency contraception
- Cervical Cancer Screening (pap smear/pap tests)
- STI, pelvic pain, infection assessments
- IUD consultation
- IUD insertion
- Free condoms
Has completed the LGBT2Q+ Network of London and Area's Community Standards of Practice
Contraceptives offered at a reduced cost
Eligibility - Population(s) Served:
Varies depending on service
English ; French
Language Note:
French available upon request; French printed materials on many health topics