Program: Supportive Care Programs
Organization: Victorian Order of Nurses - Oxford
Phone Numbers: 519-539-1231 ext 286
Toll-Free: 1-888-866-7518
715180 County Rd 4, RR 5
Woodstock, ON
N4S 7V9
Intersection: Devonshire Ave and Oxford Rd 17
Location: Central Oxford
Accessibility Notes: Community based program
Hours: Administration: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Contacts: Anne Marie Wallace Phillips - Coordinator of Hospice and Bereavement
Service Description: Companionship, respite care and emotional support to people and their family/caregivers dealing with a life-threatening illness * bereavement support for anyone who has experienced the death of someone close * services can be provided at home and at Sakura House * children's and teen's bereavement programs available

Hospice and Bereavement - Hospice programs focus on the care, comfort, and quality of life of a person with a serious illness who is approaching the end of life:

Sakura House - 10-bed residential hospice for people (and their family) with a life expectancy of less than 3 months * provides physical, psychological, emotional, social, spiritual and practical end-of-life care and support in a home-like setting

Volunteer Hospice Services - Trained and screened volunteers offer companionship, respite care and emotional support to people and their family/caregivers through hospice, home (including long-term care) or hospital visits

Fees: Free
Application: Call * no referral required for bereavement and support services * referral required for residential hospice through the Ontario Health atHome South West area
Eligibility - Population(s) Served: People who need end-of-life care or bereavement supports
Languages: English
Area(s) Served: Oxford County and area
See Also: Hospice Palliative Care - In-Home
Last Updated: 6/29/2023
Service Record URL:

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