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Inpatient Hospice Palliative Care Units - Huron and Perth

Palliative care, for people with a life-limiting illness, provided in a specialized unit in a hospital or rehabilitation centre. These services, which are delivered in the last months of life, focus on comfort, symptom management relief, and support, and are provided on a daily 24-hour basis.

Referrals from health care professionals are required to access these services.
These services are located in Huron and Perth
Huron Health System - Alexandra Marine and General Hospital - Palliative Services  
120 Napier St, Goderich, ON  N7A 1W5
519-524-8323 ext 5247

These services are located outside of Huron and Perth, but provide service to Huron and Perth.
Children's Hospital London Health Sciences Centre - Paediatric Symptom Management and Supportive Care  
800 Commissioners Rd E, London, ON  N6A 5W9
519-685-8500 ext 52288
London Health Sciences Centre - Verspeeten Family Cancer Centre - Palliative Care  
519-685-8500 ext 57930 or 57918 (extension provides recorded information, no voicemail)
New patient referral: 519-685-8600 ext 58602 (after 4pm 519-685-8500 ext 58602)
London Health Sciences Centre - Victoria Hospital - Family Medicine and Palliative Care Program  
800 Commissioners Rd E, London, ON  N6A 5W9
Automated Switchboard: 519-685-8500

Covid19 Vaccine for Ontario

Covid19 Vaccine for Ontario 

Contact your primary care provider or Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000 if you're experiencing symptoms of the 2019 novel coronavirus.

COVID-19 Vaccine Information 
Vaccines are now being made available to various population groups based specific eligibility. See your local health unit website for details:
Grey Bruce Health Unit
Huron Perth Public Health
Middlesex London Health Unit (MLHU)
Southwestern Public Health (Oxford - Elgin - St Thomas)

Local Health Care Service Changes

Ministry of Health's online self-assessment tool is available

COVID-19 Assessment Centres
Anyone who needs a test can get one and does not need an OHIP card. Tests are made available by appointment only at assessment centres and at pharmacies
Find an assessment centre near you

Do not call 911 unless it is an emergency.

Coordinated Care Planning Information London Living A Healthy Life